Well of Love
There is a legend of Turkish nobleman´s love to lovely Fatima, who was the Castle lord´s Štefan Zápoľský´s captive, being combined with the Well of love (called Love because of Omar´s love to Fatima).
So that Omar could set Fatima free from the Castle, he promised to dig in the stony Castle rock a well. For three years he had been digging with his companions till the rock truly gave water off. Only a few of the diggers had, however, stayed alive. A first goblet of water Omar handed over to Zápoľský, saying so, ´You truly have water, Zápoľský, but you have no heart.´ When Omar and Fatima were leaving free the Castle, her veil had been torn off on a rose-bush. Till nowadays, the oldest inn has had there its place and though now it´s called Fatima, before they called it "The Veil".
So that Omar could set Fatima free from the Castle, he promised to dig in the stony Castle rock a well. For three years he had been digging with his companions till the rock truly gave water off. Only a few of the diggers had, however, stayed alive. A first goblet of water Omar handed over to Zápoľský, saying so, ´You truly have water, Zápoľský, but you have no heart.´ When Omar and Fatima were leaving free the Castle, her veil had been torn off on a rose-bush. Till nowadays, the oldest inn has had there its place and though now it´s called Fatima, before they called it "The Veil".